The Begining

Masha Allah (As Allah has willed)! that was the first thing I said when I was informed of her arrival in this world. It was 6th of May 2014, 11:45 pm when my surgeon called out “it’s a girl Allhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah)”. It was the beginning.
Someone rightly said ‘the day a child is born, a mother and a father is born too’.
Being this new mother I started browsing all possible articles related to newborns, articles on their health, needs, tips to handle a newborn and many more. Then a brother of mine advised me to write down my experience with, Fatima, my daughter. He said people like to know other’s experiences. Very true! One way of human learning is by own/others experiences. Anyway, let me begin.
While I am raising Fatima, I will be taking tips and ways from Montessori system which according to my knowledge is an efficient system to raise a child. This system was found out by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori. The system believes in independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological, physical, and social development (to know more). I have found this system to be very natural and logical. I seems very close to fitrah(nature/temperament) of human beings. I am currently referring to few blogs related to montessori and reading “how to raise an amazing child Montessori way”. Apart from Montessori I will also incorporate traditional Indian methodologies and ways to bringing up a child. These are also very close to nature of humans and resemble much with Montessori beliefs. Being a Muslim mother my parenting will be based on Islamic values and structure. To support this I have joined wonderful courses offered by Effective Islamic parenting. You must check out the articles there.
In this blog you will find posts related pregnancy and parenting. I will be posting what activities Fatima was involved in at what stage, her reactions, other parenting tips, links to good articles on pregnancy period and of course things related to your and child health. All of this is going to be productive and helpful. I need my readers to genuinely write their comments which would help in my growth.
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